Since November is all about showing gratitude, we want to say thank you to those who attended the MLTA classes led by our own Lee-Anne Rodriguez last month. Lee-Anne is a true expert in our field, and we’re so proud. Plus, we have a special announcement to make. Lee-Anne will lead another virtual class this month and next put on by our friends at the Maryland Land Title Association!
First in November, Lee-Anne will be sharing her title knowledge on real estate contracts. The “Ins & Outs of Contracts” class will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16, from 1-2:30 p.m. via Zoom. She will cover all aspects of a Maryland sales contract, including the appropriate addenda for your transactions. In addition, the course will cover strategies for use with the contract and discuss common problem areas for Realtors and clients alike. For more information, click here.
The December class – held on Dec. 14 – will focus on our good friend, RON, as in Remote Online Notarization and digital closings. You’ve probably heard about the December topic for years, but this session will cover everything real estate professionals and their customers need to know as we head into 2024. This class is titled “Electronic Closings & Electronic Notarizations in MD” and will also be held on Zoom from 1- 2:30 p.m.
Lee-Anne will cover how remote notarizations work under current law, the obligations of the electronic notary under the model legislation, the practical implications of conducting closings as the practice is driven by consumer and lender demand and the responsibilities of a title agents when doing a closing using RON. It will certainly be an educational session for all! Registration is $10, and attendees are eligible for 1.5 hours of Category F CE credit toward a Maryland Real estate license.
Both classes cost $10 a piece and are eligible for 1.5 hours of Category F CE credit for Maryland real estate professionals.
Speaking of RON, if you’re interested in remote closings for you and your clients in 2023, let the Pride Settlement team know! We are willing and able to facilitate remote closings using the secure PAVASO platform for you and your clients. We’d love to walk you through the process and benefits of this wonderful technology.
We love that Lee-Anne has these opportunities to share all her knowledge with her fellow real estate professionals. After all, we all take pride in being the title and settlement experts our customers and partners deserve across the DMV. Reach out anytime you need us.