Real Estate Coffee Chat

8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD 8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD, United States

Real Estate Coffee Chat

8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD 8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD, United States

Real Estate Coffee Chat

8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD 8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD, United States

Join Real Estate Coffee Chat and our SPECIAL PRESENTER as we continue the New Year off right by creating an Online Presence. Learn the best techniques, tricks - even the "dos and dont's" of online marketing/branding. This is an event that you do NOT want to miss!   **Coffee and Donuts while they last**

Real Estate Coffee Chat

8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD 8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD, United States

Join us for this FREE networking event. Enjoy a free cup of coffee and donuts, while networking with some of the Top Real Estate Professionals in the area. Updates from our Lending Partners, tips from our Title and Credit Specialists. Bring your listings, rentals to share - or maybe find the perfect home for your […]

Real Estate Coffee Chat

8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD 8222 Shultz Rd., Clinton, MD, United States

Real Estate Coffee Chat is the BEST Networking group in the DMV. We are always learning, sharing and growing our business together. Join Lee-Anne Rodriguez for this FREE event. Space will be limited, please reserve your spot today.

MLTA Virtual Class with Lee-Anne

Ins & Outs of Contracts This class will discuss sales contracts and all of the addenda appropriate to the transactions in order to assure that realtors are familiar with the current contract and the provisions contained therein. In addition, the course will review interpretations of certain provisions of the contract, strategies for use with the […]